The original survival horror classic debuted on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2005, 16 years ago, featuring RE2’s Leon Kennedy on a mission to save the President’s daughter from a monstrous cult in rural Europe. Oculus’s executive producer Ruth Bram said that the game has been in development for “a couple of years' in collaboration between Capcom, Oculus, and Armature Studios. You can now dual-wield weapons with your hands.Ĭutscenes will be left intact in their original format, and character animations will remain untouched, albeit updated to Unreal Engine 4. The inventory menu is now an interactable screen that pops up in front of your face but still looks very much like the original grid.
Weapons and items have been “re-engineered” to be physical objects you can interact with, in the environment. Other gameplay changes include the ability to grab alternate weapons off of your body rather than entering a menu. More than 4,500 textures have either been repainted or had their resolution increased.Other changes to Resident Evil 4 VR include:Įnemy behavior has been rebalanced to better accommodate the new gameplay. While the core systems of Resident Evil 4’s gameplay return, Capcom and Armature Studios have uprezzed textures and art in the game to better accommodate the up-close view.